
Cargo Bike Love exists to inspire women, especially moms, to take the leap and get on cargo bikes with their families. I know what it’s like to be unsure about styles, tech specs, safety and price – to feel overwhelmed by all the info out there. CBL is here to help and support you as you decide which bike to buy and how to buy it.

I’m a newish cargo biker myself. I bought my Urban Arrow bakfiets style bike in the summer of 2020. My two kids and I love getting out all over town in our bike. When I’m on my bike, I feel alive, free, and aligned with my values. We have a lot of fun and make a lot of memories. We sweat and we sing!

I waded through all the tech-speak to choose the right bike for me, and developed a great system to weigh all the options. Let me share it with you!

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